Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok, sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while...a lot has gone on and I will try and get you up to speed here shortly, but the post today is in response to my friend Missy. She "tagged" me and I am supposed to say 7 random things about goes:

1- I just moved to San Clemente with 2 close friends and live about 6 blocks from the beach. I absolutely love it! Here is a picture of my new home:

2- I hate finger nail files! I can't stand having my nails filed or listening to others file their nails. Just thinking about it right now is making my stomach turn. It's like nails on a chalk board I guess.

3- I really want a dog! A clone of my friend's dogs, Maverick or Alta. They are awesome dogs who love the outdoors as much as I do. They camp, run, go on mtb trips, snowboard trips...just great dogs with awesome personalities.

4- I really want to visit New Zealand, Patagonia, Whistler, and Banff some day soon.

5- Wow...this is really hard! I love eyes...yes, I love people's eyes. They say so much without saying a word. I especially love how unique we are all created and that there are so many different shades of brown, blue, hazel, green....

6- I enjoy doing bike maintenance. Random huh? I love working on my or other people's bikes...I don't know what it is about it but I can get lost in the garage for hours working on bikes. I should take a class to further my mechanical skills

7- I don't drink coffee or beer. I have nothing against anyone who does but I just really can't acquire the taste for either. Sad huh? I guess God didn't give me those tastebuds :) I prefer to drink green liquids...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Next Big Challenge...

As most of you know, I have been competing in triathlon events for the past 4 years or so. I have completed a variety of different distances (sprint, olympic, 1/2 Ironman) and a couple of XTERRA (off-road) events. It has been a blast as I have a few friends (mainly Jen) that I have competed with. After watching two of my close friends compete at an Ironman in Arizona 2 years ago, I was blown away with all of the different athletes (small, large, young, & old) who were competing. I've decided to up the level of challenge and next June, I will compete in the full length Ironman, it consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and conclude with a marathon run. Fun huh? I'd love to see you out on the course next June. Check out the website at .

Summer Vacation

In July I went to visit all my extended family in Minnesota and South Dakota. It was great seeing everyone and catching up. The best part was by far the food...especially the strawberry pie and special K bars!

Mammoth Bike Trip 2008

A couple of friends and I went to Mammoth a few weeks ago to mountain bike. It was my first time seeing the mountain in the summer and it was beautiful!

We found a great campsite outside of town!

Brandon joined us but he had his own idea about training

Showering off all of the fun! Yes, we are in the Mammoth parking lot :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New blog

I wanted to create a place for everyone to keep up with me and my here it is! Enjoy the visit...