As most of you know, I have been competing in triathlon events for the past 4 years or so. I have completed a variety of different distances (sprint, olympic, 1/2 Ironman) and a couple of XTERRA (off-road) events. It has been a blast as I have a few friends (mainly Jen) that I have competed with. After watching two of my close friends compete at an Ironman in Arizona 2 years ago, I was blown away with all of the different athletes (small, large, young, & old) who were competing. I've decided to up the level of challenge and next June, I will compete in the full length Ironman, it consists of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride, and conclude with a marathon run. Fun huh? I'd love to see you out on the course next June. Check out the website at .

We are so there to watch and cheer you on!
That's quite the challenge but we know you'll rise to it and do great! Make sure and get us some details!!!! Phil did his first sprint tri (he did great!) and I have to wait and will be doing my first next year (they frown upon those when you're 7.5 months pregnant for some reason...geesh). :) Hope you're well and can make it out for the shower (hint, hint). Talk to you soon :o)
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