Thursday, November 6, 2008


Ok, sorry I haven't updated my blog in a while...a lot has gone on and I will try and get you up to speed here shortly, but the post today is in response to my friend Missy. She "tagged" me and I am supposed to say 7 random things about goes:

1- I just moved to San Clemente with 2 close friends and live about 6 blocks from the beach. I absolutely love it! Here is a picture of my new home:

2- I hate finger nail files! I can't stand having my nails filed or listening to others file their nails. Just thinking about it right now is making my stomach turn. It's like nails on a chalk board I guess.

3- I really want a dog! A clone of my friend's dogs, Maverick or Alta. They are awesome dogs who love the outdoors as much as I do. They camp, run, go on mtb trips, snowboard trips...just great dogs with awesome personalities.

4- I really want to visit New Zealand, Patagonia, Whistler, and Banff some day soon.

5- Wow...this is really hard! I love eyes...yes, I love people's eyes. They say so much without saying a word. I especially love how unique we are all created and that there are so many different shades of brown, blue, hazel, green....

6- I enjoy doing bike maintenance. Random huh? I love working on my or other people's bikes...I don't know what it is about it but I can get lost in the garage for hours working on bikes. I should take a class to further my mechanical skills

7- I don't drink coffee or beer. I have nothing against anyone who does but I just really can't acquire the taste for either. Sad huh? I guess God didn't give me those tastebuds :) I prefer to drink green liquids...

1 comment:

Jon and Missy K said...

Nice! You can borrow Maverick anytime you want! He LOVES you!!!